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things i like

poems and stuff that i like..none of which are mine, but i like them even though theyre kinda freaky. theyre deep and the people that wrote them needed to get shit out. so they did and now here they are.

The Haunting

At every turn of every corner, there she is;
Every minute of every hour, she lingers in your mind.
The days go by, and life takes over,
Then she reappears and you are even more distressed.
With every thought of her, you realize how truly alone you are.
With every scent of her, you see how distant she really is.
She is the recurring dream that you never quite finish.
She is the missing piece in your life
She is the one thing that you need to survive
She is anything and everything that you could ever want.
She is perfect
And she is gone.


Alone there is no one to share the taste with
Alone, there is no one to see the sights I see
Alone there is no one to hold my hand
Being without you makes me wonder why I continue to be.

Without you to share the world with,
Without your hand in mine
Without your loving face to gaze at
The nerves of my soul have gone flatline.

Every thing in my life is done for you
Every thing I say is an attempt to please you
Your existence makes mine worthwhile
If you werent here to be with me, there is NOTHING I would do.

Without you, I feel no joy
Without you, I feel no pain
Without you, I feel nothing at all
Without you, I am numb.